“How do you prepare the Communion:,” you may ask The Scriptures have not left us in the dark concerning this.

Read Matthew 26:26-28 from your Bible

To prepare the Communion, therefore, all you need to do is to follow the example of Jesus in the above scripture. Take any available bread, bless it, break it, and serve it. In the same manner, take a cup of drink, give thanks to God for it and serve it. What a mystery indeed!

Really, it doesn’t have to be any ‘special’ kind of bread or drink, it is just what is available! Many have made a religion out of this. In the process of looking for the particular kind of bread and drink that Jesus used, they lost the real essence and blessings inherent in the Communion. Henceforth, you shall neither be deceived nor robbed of your inheritance!

In the above scripture, most likely, Jesus took out of the same bread they were eating and the same cup from which they were drinking. He blessed, broke and served it to them as Communion. Amazing, isn’t it?

Please understand: it is not so much of the ‘kind’ of bread or drink used that matters, but the understanding and faith with which you partake of it.
It is that simple!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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