When you partake of the Communion worthily, you get connected to the real source of life.

Read John 6:54 from your Bible

God is the source of eternal life and Jesus is connected to Him. When we connect ourselves to Jesus, eternal life will flow from God through Jesus to us. That is why Verse 57 of that same chapter in John says: As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

Each time you partake of the Communion and you eat His Body and drink His Blood, you are connected to the real source of life. The life of God is injected into your system and you are empowered to manifest the lifestyle of Jesus. You are no longer expected to operate the ordinary human life, but eternal life, since you are hooked to the source of eternal life.

At the Communion Table, there is a spiritual injection, a release of the very life of God into your system, which enables you live a limitless life.

Many, even after partaking of the Lord’s Table, still limit the life of God deposited in them. They regard themselves as humans, so they experience what ordinary humans go through. However, if as the scriptures admonish, you see yourself as a god, then human limitations will be far from you. “Gods,” you may ask? Yes! Psalm 82:6 says so, and you ought to believe it because God cannot lie, Read what it says: “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”

To operate as a god on this earth, you obviously must have eternal life – the God kind of life resident in you. Jesus, while He was here on earth was treated with respect and dignity; no one could push Him around. No one could manhandle Him, because He had eternal life – the God kind of life in Him.

There is no obstacle that can stand on your way, when you begin to tap into the amazing supernatural strength available in the Communion. The Communion is the fuel of eternal life. It keeps the eternal life (which is already inside you) going.

In essence, the moment as a believer, you partake of the Communion, there is a divine connection established between your life and the very life of God. That connection is renewed as you partake of the Communion regularly.

As often as you desire, you can draw from the eternal life now resident in you and reflect the life of God in your place of work, in your family, your business, your health, your finances, etc.

In your family life for instance, malice, strife, hatred, nagging and quarrelling won’t survive because eternal life is being supernaturally injected into you, the believer. each time you partake of the Communion. Contrarily, there will be constant chaos in a home where there is no connection between God – the source of eternal life and man.

If truly that supernatural injection that connects man to God via the Communion has been taken, one can confidently say, “Peace be still” to every wind of life.

Eternal life, God’s very kind of life, is imparted every time you partake of the Communion. As you walk in the consciousness of this, you will be supernaturally empowered to subdue kingdoms, wrought righteousness and exercise dominion in every department of your life!

Indeed, the Body of Christ shall begin to experience greater supernatural breakthroughs, especially, as they begin to walk in a greater understanding of the relevance of the Communion. This implies that whatever has been a stumbling block on your path shall be rolled out of your way. God’s glory shall envelop you to such an extent that will be evident to all.

The Communion serves as the connection between the believer and Jesus, the source of life.

Read John 14:6 from your Bible

There are certain kingdom benefits that can only be contacted through the Communion – fasting, Word study or prayer cannot deliver those same benefits; as potent as they are. This is because each of these kingdom weapons has its place and one cannot take the place of the other.

The truth is: except you partake of the Communion, you cannot enjoy the benefits it carries!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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