THE REWARDS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 - Prosperity, Promotions, Honour

THE REWARDS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 – Prosperity, Promotions, Honour

Read Psalm 92:10-14 from your Bible

No matter the drought in the land, the righteous shall flourish; his leaves will remain green. Just as Job flourished by righteousness, everyone that practices righteousness will flourish.

Read Job 1:1-3 from your Bible

Righteousness was the reason for the height Job attained. Evil must die in your life, so the glory that God has mapped out for you will come out. Job became the greatest man in the land not through crookedness or perverseness, but through uprightness and godly perfection. He was scared of evil; he never touched it.

Read Job 1:5 from your Bible

That he avoided evil suggests that he was living in the days of evil, but never partook of it. Instead he became the greatest man in the east!
Righteousness announces promotions for the righteous. Who is righteous? Whosoever does righteousness is righteous. Joseph fled from sin. But his trouble became his triumph, as the prison yard became his palace. Even in the prison, he prospered!

Righteousness holds a guarantee for your prosperity. The prodigal Son said, “I will arise and go!” and he arose and went, and every devil was watching him go. He walked back into liberty and honour. It’s time to walk back into honour.

All those I read about in my Bible that lived righteous lives were honored. Potiphar’s wife would have ended Joseph’s ministry as a steward, but righteousness paved a way for him to the throne. The king’s rich food would have defiled Daniel and made him remain a mere civil servant in that country, but righteousness exalted him. He wouldn’t deny his God. No, not even in the face of death! He walked gallantly into the den of lions, and righteousness preserved him (Proverbs 11:3) He ended up in the high places of the government of his time.

Honour has its root in righteousness.

Read Daniel 12:3 from your Bible

Righteousness causes men to shine as stars. If you truly desire honour, then wisdom demands that you also desire righteousness with a greater intensity, Let your desire for righteousness be more than your desire for honour, for when righteousness is in place, honour is automatic.

God stood by all who stood for Him in the scriptures. God made Daniel, who would not defile himself, the king of the land. Joseph became a king and ruler in the land simply because he would not touch Potiphar’s wife. Honour is guaranteed when practical righteousness is in place.

Desire righteousness, and honour will follow suit. It is automatic. No matter how many principles you put together, until righteousness takes it’s place, honour is not in view. righteousness is the root of honour. When it’s out of place, honor is out of the question.

Holiness is the cheapest way to the top. You don’t need to be crooked to become great. Job was a perfect man, yet he became the greatest in the entire east. You don’t need financial perversion or immorality to gain access to the throne. Whatever throne unrighteousness places you on, it is to bring you to utter shame at the end.

Every accomplishment in the Kingdom is borne of a desire. The lack of desire for righteousness is the reason for the captivity of sin. Where there’s no desire, there’s no accomplishment (Mark 11:24). I want you to be wise. Since honour is an offspring of righteousness, then desire righteousness.

The eyes of the Lord run to and fro through all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of anyone whose heart is perfect towards Him. So, God’s eyes can enter any prison and pick up any man. God’s eyes found Joseph in the prison. And while he was in prison, God was organizing promotion for him in the palace. Pharaoh in his dilemma asked, “…Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is” Genesis 41:38.)

Read Genesis 41:41-44 from your Bible

When God’s eyes find you, they will have no choice but to put you where He wants you to be. Righteousness is the surest way to the top; stop that sin now, so that it doesn’t stop you tomorrow!

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