First, God saves your spirit, making you born again. So, with your regenerated spirit, you are able to relate with God because He is a spirit!

Read John 4:24 from your Bible

Second, your soul which comprises your mind, emotions, likes, and dislikes is transformed in the process of sanctification.

Carefully read what the Scripture says in Romans 12:2 concerning this.

Please understand: your mind is the link between your spirit and your body.

Third, your body with which you relate to this physical world, makes you relevant on earth.

The transformation that has taken place in the realm of the spirit, is meant to reflect in your life bodily. You now have access to divine healing and health, through the redemption of your body (Romans 8:23).

Read Romans 3:24 and Titus 3:7 from your Bible

Salvation brings justification.

Read Romans 8:30 from your Bible

There is justification because of the grace of God, not because of your good works.

Justification brings about sanctification, which is your guaranteed access to your inheritances in Christ.

Both your right standing with God and your right living are by grace!

Read Acts 20:32 from your Bible

Now that the place, importance and relevance of salvation with respect to the subject of grace have been discussed, it is important for you to ensure that you have personally experienced salvation.

In case you do not have the assurance of salvation, or you need to re-dedicate your life to Christ, pray this salvation prayer:

O God, I come to You today through Jesus Christ. I realize that I am a sinner and Jesus died for me on the cross. Forgive me my sins Lord, come into my heart Jesus and accept me as your child. I shall live for You from now on. Thank You Jesus, for saving me. Now I know that I am born again. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart by faith, you are now born again.
Congratulations! May you begin to enjoy this priceless treasure, favour, with God and with man in a greater dimension than ever!

Remember: salvation and grace are interwoven, both of them work hand in hand!


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