Read 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 and Proverbs 13:20 from your Bible

Spirits can easily be transferred to people through certain objects they have used or are still using for one purpose or the other. Such objects could be meant for “protection” or “good luck”. These objects may not be harmful in themselves, but because of their spiritual significance, they become points of contact with evil powers to the users as they transfer evil spirits through them.

Read 1 Corinthians 10:19-20 from your Bible

Idol worship is a slap on God’s face, and He has already pronounced a curse on those who practice it and their children, up to the fourth generation. If God hates idol worship, He also hates everything used in this practice.

Do you know that before any animal is sacrificed to any idol, the spirit behind the idol to which the sacrifice is being made comes and receives the sacrifice? Right from that moment, the animal is dedicated to that spirit and those who eat the sacrificial meat receive these spirits into their bodies, through eating of the food prepared with the meat.

Read Revelation 2:14 from your Bible

God had killed 24,000 of the children of Israel because of idol worship and eating of things sacrificed to idols, after He had brought them out of Egypt. He had to kill these people because they were already contaminated. Please, read this incident in Numbers 25:1-3. Satan has perfected this act, as it is the easiest way through which spirits are transferred to people who are brought up in homes where idols are worshipped.

At the very end of the series of teaching on this subject, I will give you Deliverance prayers that will deliver you from all forms of transference of spirits.

In my next write-up I will be discussing on Transference Of Spirits Through Objects Dedicated To Idols, Occult and Ancestral Spirits.


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