TYPES OF FASTING 6 - Corporate Fast

TYPES OF FASTING 6 – Corporate Fast

It involves a group of people fasting together for a set period of time. This type of fast is often engaged in by Churches and other Christian organisations, as a way of seeking God’s guidance and blessing for a particular project or situation. Corporate fasting is mentioned in the Bible. For instance, Ezra called a fast for the people of Israel to seek God’s guidance and protection on their journey back to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:21 -23).

In 2 Chronicles 20:3, Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah to ask the help of the Lord when confronted with battle from Moab and Ammon. Oftentimes, the people of Israel all through the Bible, engaged in corporate fasts as a way of repentance and to seek guidance from God.

The corporate fast is a powerful way to entreat God for direction and to deepen the spiritual life of a community. It can also be a way of fostering unity and strengthening relationships within the group.

The length of a fast depends on the individual and his or her purpose for fasting. Some people fast all the way until their answers can be tangibly seen. For instance,

  • The people of Israel fasted a whole day, from sunrise to sunset for divine direction from God and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings (Judges 20:26)
  • Esther, while entreating the king on behalf of the Jews, fasted three days and nights for wisdom, discernment and favour (Esther 4:16)
  • After the death of Saul, the Israelites fasted for seven days to grieve and seek direction on the way forward (1 Samuel 31:13).
  • Daniel fasted ten days after he was taken captive in Babylon. He and the three other Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego), ate only vegetables and water during this fast (Daniel 1:12).
  • Apostle Paul, when faced with turbulence on the ship, fasted for fourteen days, alongside other passengers, for the protection and preservation of their lives (Acts 27:33-34).
  • Daniel also engaged in a twenty-one days of a fast, without meat, wine, rich food or oil. He ate only fruits, vegetables and water (Daniel 10:3).
  • Jesus, Moses and Elijah, all fasted forty days (Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9, 18; 1 Kings 19:8; Matthew 4:2-4).

Your fasting can be short or long-term, depending on the need and divine instructions received; the length does not necessarily determine the effect of the fast. It is also a voluntary and spiritual decision between you and God. So, as you plan your fast, listen to the Holy Spirit; ask Him to lead you in the journey. Whether you choose to fast for one day or several days, the primary goal should be to strengthen your relationship with God and gain deeper fellowship with Him.


Jesus is Lord.

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