TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 3 - Ideological Strongholds

TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 3 – Ideological Strongholds

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2nd Cor. 10:4).

Ideological strongholds concern our world view. These are philosophies which affect religious and non-religious views which influence culture and society. The ideological view in Nigeria is the attempt at the revival of cultures and ancestral worship. Cult and hero worship are being subtlely incorporated into our daily lives. These strongholds are inspired by invisible forces and powers of darkness. They take prayer and religious instruction from schools and replace it with cultural and humanistic view of life. These strongholds must be attacked through non-stop, focused, intelligent and sustained intercession by churches and church leaders if they must be broken down.


Jesus is Lord.

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