TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 4 - Occultic Strongholds

TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 4 – Occultic Strongholds

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2nd Cor. 10:4).

Occultic strongholds are strongholds of witchcraft, satanism, herbalists, shamans, spiritualists, new age religions such as yoga, grail message and guru maharaji, which invites spirit guides to operate. They work as “power boosters” to territorial spirits that dwell over geographical areas. The strongmen over a city or region are greatly empowered by occultic spells, curses, rituals, and fetish practices by these occult practitioners.

Ruling powers of darkness manipulate those involved in the occultic to do their bidding and attempt to destroy the power of the church and the reign of God in an area. One of the ways those in the occult assault Christian leaders is by sending curses to them. This is done through spells, unholy intercession and fasting.

Signs of curses are:

  • Sickness and infirmity without a natural cause
  • Confusion of mind
  • Sleeplessness
  • Sexually explicit dreams on a reoccurring basis
  • Extreme weariness
  • Unexplainable negative attitudes
  • Crisis and chaos in the home.

These strongholds can be broken by identifying the occult centres and practitioners in our area and taking a prayer stand and journey into such locations.


Jesus is Lord.

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