“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2nd Cor. 10:4).
Satan has driven wedges between the church and city, which creates an “us against them” mentality. With this fortress and mentality in a place, the church will begin to think that she is not responsible for anything outside her four walls, and thereby blinds their eyes from seeing the real battle for our cities. With such attitudes, we should realize that we are fighting off Satan rather than fighting against him. The church should be one of the first institutions that city leaders will turn to in time of trouble, instead, it is often the last or it is not contacted at all. Some churches are a disgrace to cities and government through the sins of their leaders and are embarrassment to the society. To break down this stronghold, a good rapport with and the city is needed, such as holding banquets for the city police, giving special gifts to the government or sponsor projects that bless the city. Perhaps some pastors need to go to their community, town and local government leaders and repent for the iniquities of the church in a way the leaders will relate with. Being willing to build a good relationship between church and city tears down Satan’s strongholds in the mind of city leaders and stops his ability to accuse them.
Jesus is Lord