TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 8 - Strongholds of Iniquities

TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 8 – Strongholds of Iniquities

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2nd Cor. 10:4).

Strongholds of iniquities come from the sins of the fathers that produced curses and holds of Satan on succeeding generation. Curses do bring families, nations and cities into bondage. It can work also in denominations and churches where the sins of the founder or leaders become strongholds of curses that affect negatively the growth and health of the church. These sins can also give territorial spirits legal right to national demonization. Our prayers for the deliverance of our cities will only be effective when we repent of the legal right given to the enemy through the sins of the founding fathers.


Jesus is Lord.

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