Read Leviticus 19:31 from your Bible.

Any association with dead spirit is familiar spirit. I met a sister who had lost her mother six months back. She kept seeing the mother everyday after her death.

This sister reported everything that was going on in the house to this dead mother. She did not know what was going on and kept enjoying it, until somebody pointed it out to her as a familiar spirit.

When you start looking for forbidden things or good things in the wrong way, the enemy will quickly take advantage of this and bombard you with this kind of spirit.

Anyone who has ever visited a witch – doctor must have acquired familiar spirit and other things that he doesn’t need. And when he goes ahead to drink any of their concoctions, he automatically becomes one of them.

When a person uses his time to read ungodly literature and begins to imagine strange things, he or she will acquire familiar spirit.

If you come from a home where an idol is worshipped, you acquire familiar spirit by inheritance. That is why we have many children who have imaginary playmates. While no one sees these playmates, the child does. It is the evidence of the presence of familiar spirit.

A woman once brought her child to me for prayer. The problem with the child was that he ate too much, and was always eating up the food within a twinkle of an eye and be back to ask for more. This was another evidence of familiar spirit.

When a person is addicted to hard drugs or anything that would change his imagination or make him see strange things, such a person will acquire familiar spirit.

Bad music will also make a person acquire familiar spirit. All those weird electronic games people play, or those strange toys for children are agents of initiation into familiar spirits.

When we talk of familiar spirits, they are deadlier and much more dangerous than witchcraft.

Sexual promiscuity makes one to acquire familiar spirit easily and the pity is that, many are too embarrassed to admit that they engage in this kind of thing.

An individual can have one or more familiar spirits troubling his life. As he goes about, these spirits follow him all over the place.

If you are reading this, and at one time or the other in your life, you have visited a white garment prophet who told you that you have a familiar spirit, know for sure that he was telling you the truth.

This is because he too has familiar spirit; this enables him to recognise those who have it.

However, familiar spirits can be cast out in the name of Jesus according to Mark 16:17 (Read it from your Bible).

Nevertheless, to be able to do this, you have to give your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of familiar spirits – Ephesians 6:10-11

To be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might is to be strong in the Word and be filled constantly with the Holy Ghost. To put on the whole armour is to wear the various aspects of the armour which symbolize spiritual truth.

Subsequently, I will be taking you through series of teaching on “war against familiar spirits” and at the very end of the teaching, I will be sharing two parts of deliverance prayers that will liberate you from the power of familiar spirits and dismantle them from the root.

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