Read Psalm 16:11 from your Bible

Divine direction is the heritage of the redeemed. But you must seek it in order to enjoy it. When you locate the path of life, you enjoy fullness of joy and pleasures for evermore. But they are only obtainable in God’s presence, which is our ultimate goal in prayer.

Read Psalm 23:1,5 from your Bible

When God leads you, you can’t but become outstanding in life. Some people are not cut out for business, but have chosen to do it, either because of social influence or personal affection. Others are into all manner of professions where their star may never shine, because they haven’t located the right path. They just keep groping around. But you can’t afford to go through life doing what seems right to you. It is too risky!

God is committed to leading you in the path of life He has ordained for you, even before you were born (Jeremiah 1:5).

Read Isaiah 48:17 from your Bible

But asking in prayer is your access to His leading: Read Matthew 7:7 from your Bible

When you ask, God is committed to answer; He knows that without His direction your destiny is not secured. But until you ask Him, you will just keep doing what seems right, not what is right; and until you do what is right, you cannot be marked right in life.

Direction was what rescued the disciples from an all – night futile toiling on the sea. Jesus came and said to them, “Cast your net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find.” They did, and were not able to draw in the net, for the multitude of fishes (John 21:3-8).

Direction can be obtained through prayers of enquiry. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, Seek, Knock.” If the path you are going on seems like dead end, ask Him, “Lord, where is the right side of this venture?”

Read James 1:5 from your Bible

When you ask, God gives liberally, because He is committed. He is a loving Father, so be relaxed in His presence and ask as many questions as you need, to be clear on every vital issue of your life. Look at the power of the prayer of enquiry in the life of David, a man after God’s heart: Read 2 Samuel 5:18-20, 22-25 from your Bible

Do you want breakthrough? Then make enquires from God in prayer before you take any major step. He will answer you, because He is interested in every thing that concerns you. God is the only One who can lead you to true pastures and He is set to do so, if only you will let Him. He said in Jeremiah 33:3:

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Remember, you can’t wish problems away, you must rise up to the challenge, and effect a change. You don’t have to accept the status quo, you are a child of destiny! Where you are now is not God’s ultimate for you. You can get to the top, if only you will push in prayers. You too can live a problem-free life, and I see you getting there, in Jesus’ name!


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