Part of the strategies of Satan in ruling the world and damning souls is to render the church powerless. Satan is not happy with the church. He knows the danger that the true church poses to his kingdom and nefarious activities. He therefore strategizes to infiltrate, penetrate, render powerless from within and incapacitate the church from harming his kingdom. Why is Satan against the church? He knows the following truths about the church:

Read (Matt. 16:18) from your bible.

  1. The church is the only plan of God to win the world . The mandate to turn people from sin to righteousness and reconcile men to God is given to the church. He therefore doesn’t want that to happen.
  2. The church is the only light that can dispel darkness . The church is the light and has the capacity to dispel the darkness in the world. He therefore wants to snuff out that light by all means. He would rather love darkness to cover the world than allow light to shine into men’s hearts and societies.
  3. The church is the only power that can stop Satan . The church has the authority to deal with and destroy the power of Satan in the world. The church is the only institution that can stop his advance march and he therefore wants to corrupt the church so that his destructive activities will not be stopped.
  4. The church has the only truth that can dispel the lies of Satan . The lies, deception and manipulation of Satan in human hearts can only be dispelled by the truth of God’s word that the church possesses. He therefore doesn’t want the church to be able to set people free from his deceptions.
  5. The church is the only authentic power for change . Nobody, institution, government or nation can bring true spiritual and social change to the world like the church. True change, transformation and turn-around can only come to people, societies and nations through the church. It is only the change that the church fosters that is true change.

The devil knows all these and many more about the church. He knows that if left alone, the church can and will bring an end to his kingdom in the life and heart of men. He knows that if left alone, the church will lead him to crushing defeat. The more reason he is opposing the church with all the arsenal in his armoury. The devil is aware of the church and knows that only the church can stop him in his evil designs and therefore doing all he can to incapacitate the church.

In my next write up, I will discuss “Church’s Authority.”


Jesus is Lord.

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