This spirit can be inherited. That is to say, it is a spirit that has been operating in the family for several generations. As long as one is born into that family, the spirit either seeks to possess or otherwise, oppress them.
Signs include sexual intercourse in the dream with a familiar or unfamiliar face. The person may also experience this especially when at the verge of major breakthrough or embarking on a spiritual growth exercise. This spirit oppresses believers through “legal covenants.” Bible describes it as “legal captivity.”
Read Isaiah 49:24-25 from your Bible
A “lawful captive” connotes the existence of a link or a tie to the spirit either through incision put on their body to protect them, an existing covenant in the family or by dedication. It could be anything.
It becomes more devastating when the individual gets married. They may attack the husband or wife (depending on which side it is operating from), the fruit of the womb, business, job, etc.
It is a battle christians must fight and overcome. A christian must not be ignorant of their existence lest he or she becomes a victim. This spirit is responsible for “bedwetting.” When you find a grown up or married man or woman still bedwetting, it is the activity of this spirit whose intent is to disgrace the person. Deliverance (aggressive prayers) is the solution. Consistent “wet dreams” (ejaculation when sleeping) is also a sign of oppression from this spirit. An attempt to dismiss their existence is to be ignorant of spiritual truth. That person will be in captivity for a long time.
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