Another instrument for taking delivery of your desires in prayer is the tongue.
Read Mark 11:23 from your Bible
You have prayed, God has answered, but what are you saying? Every word you speak is a seed and the Bible says, “Whatsoever a man does that shall he also reap.”
If after praying, you believe in your heart that God has answered you and you confess it, then you will have what you say. But no matter how much you pray, if your confession is negative, you can’t reap positive results; because what you say is what sets the pace for what you get.
When you have prayed to God for the healing of your body, don’t allow anybody to tell you, “Sorry” again. Confess your healing and it will be established. Remember, you shall have whatsoever you ask for in prayer.
Read what Jesus said in Mark 11:24 from your Bible
I am not talking about playing psychological games with words; I am talking about saying what you believe, on the basis of the truth you have discovered from God’s Word.
Too many empty talks have been mistaken for faith, words that are not rooted in Scripture. But when your utterances are rooted in the truth, you commit heaven for manifestation.
Many people pray through and God answers them, but their tongues won’t let them take delivery of their desires. Somebody has just finished crying out to God for the fruit of the womb. God has heard and answered, and as far as heaven is concerned, she is pregnant. But she aborts the baby with her tongue. She does this if for instance she sees blood after she has conceived. She says, “I have had a miscarriage.” Since angels are mandated to carry out whatever we say, the pregnancy that had already been certified and delivered by heaven disappears.
That was how the children of Israel shut themselves out of Canaan, the land of their inheritance.
Read what God said in Exodus 3:7-8 from your Bible
They had cried to God and He heard them and sent them a deliverer in the person of Moses, who led them out of the land of bondage. But when it was time to take possession of the land of their inheritance, they sent twelve men to spy out the land. On their return, two of them said, “Let’s go up at once and take the land for we be well able.” But read what the other ten said in Numbers 13:31-32 from your Bible.
See how God reacted in Numbers 14:28-30 from your Bible
Their tongue robbed them of their destiny. Your tongue will no longer be a stumbling block in your prayer life! Don’t uproot the good things God has done in your life with negative words. Don’t pray to God for one thing and then say the opposite when you are with your friends.
Hold on fast to that miracle, no matter how bad the enemy is raging; don’t give up. Once God hears your prayer, He is committed to answer, and when He answers, He will not only perform, but will also perfect your desires.
Your prayer life will never go down any more! Whatever robs you of access into God’s presence in prayer is flushed out right now, in Jesus’ name! I command every shut gate against your destiny to be lifted up now, in the name of Jesus.