LEVELS OF GRACE 2 - Great Grace

LEVELS OF GRACE 2 – Great Grace

Another level of grace is what the Bible refers to as great grace.

The Bible refers to this level of grace in Acts 4:33

I want you to take note here that this great grace came upon the disciples in the above scripture, in response to their fervent prayers, as referenced in verse 31: “…And when they had prayed…”

To be a beneficiary of this kind of great grace therefore, you must engage in fervent prayers on a consistent basis; you cannot afford to be prayer-lazy!

Therefore, awake unto prayers!

Another significant thing that is interesting to me in the above scripture is that when this great grace came upon them, lack was terminated in their midst!

Concerning this, the Bible records:
“Neither was there any among them that lacked:…” (Acts 4:34(a)

So, when great grace is operational in your life, lack and want is terminated; you begin to enjoy abundance.

How we direly need this today, especially as the global economy peaks!

While the world groans under great economic and financial hardships, you will be gloriously exempted, with great grace operational in your life.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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