Some people were dedicated to stones, irons, idols, spiritual houses/shrines, etc. that represent the kingdom of darkness.

To be dedicated means to be set apart for deity or religious purpose. It also means to be consecreated and/or set apart for a spiritual or special use. It also means to be committed to a particular course.

Read Luke 2:22-24 from your Bible

Some people are dedicated to evil altars which are speaking against them.

Some persons are dedicated to take over as priests or priestesses in their family shrine (s). Some were dedicated to juju or a god to save their lives when they were very young and almost died of an ailment. Others came after their parents had lost many children. To ensure that the next child survived, they ran to a spiritualist for help who in turn committed the child to a particular god. As they grow up, they may become “civilized” and detest things done in the village. However, demons don’t care about how civilized you are or do they care where you reside. Only by faith on the blood of Jesus can one be delivered.

However, it is important to know that we have been translated from evil dedication to the kingdom of light through the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.

Read Colossians 1:13-14 and 2:14-15 from your Bible

Nevertheless, until you appropriate and enforce your translation by faith in the Word of God through prayer and fasting, you may not experience true freedom.

I will show you how to appropriate and enforce your translation by sharing with you three phases of deliverance prayers that will liberate you from ancestral bondage, yoke, and evil dedication at the very end of the series of teaching on this topic.


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