Read Habakkuk 2:1 from your Bible

Prayer is not just reporting your case to God; it is communicating with Him. Every genuine discussion or dialogue is made up of comments, enquiries and responses from the parties involved. It should be a two-way communication flow. But most people do all the talking in prayers, not giving God a chance to speak to them in return, nor pausing to listen to what He has to say.

It is time we began to engage in responsive meditational prayers – where you talk and wait for God’s response, where you make enquiries and take delivery of divine strategies to deal with the issues confronting you.

To truly win in prayer requires your being alert in the spirit, listening in meditation and keeping your heart open to receive what He has to say to you. You also have to engage in intense worship, in order to maintain the communication channel. When you ask a question and there doesn’t seem to be an immediate response, you begin to worship and call God by His names. Then you ask again, “Lord, what are You saying?” You are sure to get an answer, because He assures us:

Read Jeremiah 33:3 from your Bible

In Daniel chapter 2, Daniel and his friends were faced with a decree of death. The king had a dream, which he forgot and wanted Daniel and his colleagues to tell him the dream and its interpretation or they would all be put to death.

See what Daniel did:

Read Daniel 2:17-19, 23 from your Bible

When you approach God, remember that He is the One before whom all things lay bare. The One that reveals deep and secret things, the Omniscient God. Go before Him and take delivery of your answers, as you engage in a two-way communication with Him. That is what prayer is all about.



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