Read 2 Corinthians 12:9 from your Bible

The grace of God is integral to man’s success and fulfillment in life. There is no one living today, who does not require grace to make it in life. No matter your stature or status, every man needs the grace of God.

The grace of God at work in a man’s life is what makes the journey of life great!

The subject of grace is widely discussed today, but very few people have discovered the great treasure deposited in it. The scripture reveals so much about the grace of God, much of which we have neglected to our own great loss and detriment.

The fullness of the grace of God is beyond human comprehension. This explains why; Read Romans 11:33 from your Bible

Man is privileged to be entrusted with this priceless treasure.

A closer look at the scriptures reveals that the grace of God is the central theme of the New Testament. Paul, the major writer of The New Testament, whom Peter referred to as a man with revelations too hard to understand: Read 2 Peter 3:16 from your Bible, kept re-affirming that he was a product of grace. He declared; Read 1 Corinthians 15:9-10.

The truth is: if your life must be free from failure, frustration and condemnation, you need the grace of God.

Read 2 Peter 1:2-4 from your Bible

Grace is described as unmerited favour and its emanates from God. It is part of the salvation package that is delivered to you, when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. This implies that grace is readily available, when you demand to have it.

Grace is simply God’s gift to the believer! Through God’s life, power and righteousness come to man as underserved gifts.

Through grace, a positive change of heart and life becomes a reality. It is grace that makes a saint out of a sinner and a treasurer out of a thief. Grace makes it possible for man to enjoy a new life.

The beauty of the grace of God is that it produces fruits. For example, God has already released the grace to prosper and be in good health; Read 3 John verse 2. But if you are still wretched and stricken with sickness, then His grace is yet to produce fruit in those aspects of your life. You need, therefore, to learn those things that will make this grace to produce fruits in those aspects.

As the global economic meltdown peaks, men’s hearts are failing them. What man requires most, in the midst of all these, is the manifestation of God’s grace.

Many have explored this grace and found that not only has it helped them in all situations and circumstances of life, but that they actually require more and more of it daily, so as to continuously enjoy triumphs in every facet of life.

The way to stir up this rich, undeserved deposit of God’s grace in your life, and make it yield maximally is what I will be discussing subsequently.

The dynamic scriptural insight I will be discussing in my subsequent write ups will effect a positive change of story in your life, when applied. I am guaranteeing that it will work for you!

I will define what grace is in my next write up.


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