Some people were told when they were building their houses to either bury fowl, ram, cow, etc. in the ground for spiritual security. Or maybe somebody is contesting ownership of a piece of land with you and you are given something to bury in it. The land may not be taken from you but you have buried some parts of your life. It may not manifest immediately but with time the effects would manifest and you may be accusing witches and wizards. They are those things you have done in a bid to have security. Those spirits are now in charge of your life because the devil has no free gift. He gives you one thing and takes it from the other side.
i. Every spiritual burial I conducted against myself ignorantly in the past I reverse the effect in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18
ii. You spirit of death operating in my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesus – 2 Timothy 1:10, Hebrews 2:14-15, Revelation 1:18.
However, this kind does not go except by prayer and fasting led by the Holy Spirit.
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