THE BATTLE FOR DESTINY 4 - Scriptural Examples Of Those That Missed Their Destiny

THE BATTLE FOR DESTINY 4 – Scriptural Examples Of Those That Missed Their Destiny

If you have really studied your Bible you would have discovered that a lot of people missed their destiny in the Scriptures. Those who missed their destinies should be an example to us. The Bible says, “These things are written for our learning that we through the comfort and patience of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Abel was made to miss his destiny. What made him to miss is destiny? It was household wickedness. Joseph almost missed his destiny. Although household wickedness tried to destroy his destiny he kept on holding on.

Saul missed his destiny through disobedience. He was chosen by God, but he missed out on the plan of God. He received the anointing of the prophet and prophesied. His family would have remained kings in Israel for ever but he lost the opportunity. His destiny was destroyed.

Samson was another person who had a divine destiny but he, like many highly talented Africans, allowed sexual sins to make him to lose the blessings of God.

Do you know that all those who tried to lead you into sexual sins are destiny diverters? Such powers that are capable of diverting your attention are nothing but living coffins. Your friends may praise you saying that you are a ladies’ man. They are only deceiving you. What they are praising you for is nothing but an avenue for the diversion of your destiny. Those who allow sexual sins to divert their attention will discover that their lives will soon become history. They will begin to remember that they once touched money.

Solomon was another person in the Bible who lost his destiny through women. He had three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines.

Eli was another man who gambled with his destiny. He lost his destiny because he could not control his children. He had wicked children who were committing fornication in the sanctuary. He failed to call them to order. Instead of denouncing what they were doing, he pampered them. God blamed him for his negligence. That is how God is going to blame lots of parents today. The Lord swore that no one from Eli’s family would ever stand before Him forever. He lost all his children in one day.

The young prophet in 1 Kings 13:1-10 also missed his destiny through food. He disobeyed God because of his appetite. Disobedience landed him in trouble and destroyed his destiny.

Gehazi lost his destiny through the love of money and covetousness. A lot of pastors are roaming the streets today with the prosperity of Gehazi. They collect money from strange sources.

Lot’s wife also missed her destiny.

Hananiah and Saphirah also missed their destiny.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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