THE DAY OF HIS POWER 9 – The Power Of The Name Of Jesus

Read Proverbs 18:10 from your Bible

The name of Jesus is another power source that is unbeatable in the conflicts of life. This is a name that reigns wherever the sun shines and at the mention of it, every knee bows – things on earth, things underneath the earth, and things in heaven!

By divine providence, every tongue agrees to the Lordship of that name also.

It is this same name that Peter called upon and the cripple at the Beautiful gate rose up. Peter said – Read Acts 3:6 from your Bible.

At the mention of that name, there was an explosion of power, and a man crippled from birth, rose up and began to leap and jump!

The name of Jesus is a strong tower – an institution of power. Once you invoke that name in faith, a strong tower is erected round about you.

The name of Jesus is not a title, it is a possession. Peter said, “Such as I have”, not “Such as I had.”

You need to be possessed with that name. You must know you have it.

The name of Jesus gets things done. It is not a religious accolade.

From now on, the name of Jesus will take over in your own life too!

At any power meeting you attend, you will discover that the greatest word you hear is the name of Jesus. This name has inbuilt power!

Read Mark 16:17 from your Bible

The name of Jesus is a reservoir of signs and wonders. Once it is invoked in faith, signs and wonders are unleashed.

When the name of Jesus is invoked in faith, anointing goes forth – just like when you spray a room with insecticide. This name is poisonous to every work of the devil, the wicked just have to bow to the power it carries.

There are situations in which you find yourself, where you cannot easily carry the Bible or any book, to encounter the Word of God; where there is no time to pray, and no one around to lay hands on you, nor a chance for you to carry a bottle of oil or your mantle. Yet you need liberty, you need freedom.

In such situations, you need to remember that you carry a name that is loaded with the unction required for your rescue – the emergency escape route – the name of Jesus! With that name, every Goliath will come down!

There is an anointing in that name that destroys yokes, divides the flames of fire and silences death! That is why the Bible says: Read Philippians 2:10-11 from your Bible

Every time you are confronted with a challenge and you look at it with the eye of faith, and from the depth of your heart you release that name in faith, that opposition must bow!

The name of Jesus answers to challenges and brings every opposition down.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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