THE BATTLE FOR DESTINY 5 - Practical Examples Of Those Who Missed Their Destiny

THE BATTLE FOR DESTINY 5 – Practical Examples Of Those Who Missed Their Destiny

There was a brother who had spent twenty years in Germany only to come back to Nigeria to become a fetish priest. What actually happened was that he spent 20 years abroad trying to struggle for survival. His plan was to keep on struggling until he achieved something tangible. Somehow, his parents were disturbed by the fact that he had spent too much time abroad without planning to come home. They decided to consult a native doctor who was asked to make a very powerful charm which would make the man to come back home.

The fetish priest simply asked them to fetch him one of that man’s old clothes. That was what he used for the ritual. He gave it back to them and told them to bury it in their compound. That was how the brother became restless overseas and headed straight for the airport. He did not pick a pin while leaving overseas. He abandoned all his certificates, and personal effects and came home not knowing what was happening to him. That was how he had to start afresh.

By the time he came to Nigeria he became so disorganised that he had to make up his mind that he would learn the trade of a fetish priest with an eye on becoming one. That was how a man who spent twenty years in Germany came back to Nigeria to become a fetish priest. His life became so scattered that it took the power of the gospel to straighten him up.

I want you to close your eyes right now and take this prayer point.

Every power that diverts destiny, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

A man left Nigeria for the United Kingdom for more academic degrees having bagged some academic degrees while he was in Nigeria. He left his wife and three kids at home and decided to get married to a white lady as a means of survival. The white lady sponsored his studies and provided everything which the man needed. However, they did not raise children.

The white woman did all these and spent everything she had on the man only for her to open a letter which the husband received from Nigeria and discovered that the man actually had a wife and three children in his own country. The white lady became so angry, took a gun, shot the man and shot herself. That was the end of the man’s life. Strange women aborted his destiny.

We were praying for a sister the other day and she vomited a finger of a human being. How did she get into that kind of problem? She attended a party where she was served food. As soon as she finished the meal, she began to experience an acute stomach pain. She went to the toilet but nothing came out. She tried to vomit but she couldn’t. Then the pains subsided. That was the beginning of her problem. The stomach began to swell up. She tried several hospitals but none was able to help. One of the hospitals even diagnosed cancer of the liver. God had mercy on her and she vomited that finger after going through a deliverance session.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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