Read Ecclesiastes 10:16-17 from your Bible

Indiscipline is an enemy of success. No indisciplined man ever ends up distinguished. You need to do the right thing at the right time. To wake up at any time you wish, sleep any time, receive visitors and talk to friends at will, is not the path to success.

Direction plus instruction is what equals distinction. Instructions are the highways of distinction. Deuteronomy 32:9-14 tells us that God’s instructions were what caused Jacob to suck honey out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock.

You don’t walk in inspirations alone and end up successful. To be a success, you must walk in instructions also. God made Jacob to ride upon the high places of the earth by instruction, not by inspiration. Until you do what you are expected to do, God will never do a thing in your direction. Every act of God is initiated by man through compliance with His instructions.

Whatever God tells you to do, do it. That is the secret of success, because when He commands it, you will never struggle to get results. When you act on His instructions, you commit Him to act on your behalf. He can never deny Himself.

Listen, do you want to get to the highest place in life? Then, diligently hearken to the voice of His Word, observe to do what He commands; then will He set you above all nations of the earth! (Deut. 28:1.) But you haven’t done what He said you should do and you are crying. What do you want Him to do? To break Scriptures? No, He won’t!

Do you want to be free from shame? Study! (2 Tim. 2:15.) Study, give yourself to light. Seek after light, make it brighter by the day and you will never see shame.

Everything in the kingdom works by instructions. “He led him about He instructed him as an eagle”(Deut. 32:10). The man who will succeed must enjoy instructions and give himself wholeheartedly to obeying them. May God help you to value His instructions and grant you the grace to comply with them excitedly.

Instructions enhance your confidence, causing you to face life with absolute covenant confidence. May God help you to locate the instructions relevant to each area of your life.


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