THE DAY OF HIS POWER 11 - The Power Of Testimonies

THE DAY OF HIS POWER 11 – The Power Of Testimonies

Read Revelation 12:11 from your Bible

The blood and testimonies are your instruments for triumph. The blood of Jesus still answers to the challenges of life today.

The time has come for you to manifest the glory of God. Stop talking about trials, talk testimonies!

Read Isaiah 8:20 from your Bible

There is so much power in testimonies. They eradicate trials.

Locate relevant testimonies, wrap them up in blood missiles, and begin to shoot them at your targets!

David shot testimony arrows at Goliath and collected his head! (1 Samuel 17:37) The time has come for you to collect the head of all your Goliaths.

In heaven, there are two powerful weapons people use: the blood and testimonies. These are two overcoming forces that causes the saints to be more than conquerors on the earth.

Every time heavenly citizens invoke the blood, God’s presence is released. Once you begin to invoke the blood, the arrows of God go into operation, and you become an ensign in the land.

As a heavenly citizen, as long as you have the blood in your right hand, and testimonies in the left, no devil can prevail against you.

Watch it though! If you are not genuinely born again, the blood of Jesus will backfire against you!

Religion only leads to devastation and destruction! But Christianity holds a destiny of sweatless triumph!

You must dwell in the heavenly places and become an ambassador for Christ — a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.

Friends, we are amongst the most armed saints in the world! Some of these mysteries are not known by kings and princes. But God in His infinite mercy, has handed them over to us.

Because of this, we have been privileged to see many homes restored, and shattered lives re-moulded.

Heavenly citizens fight with the blood and shoot arrows of testimonies.

With the blood and testimonies, you’re on your way to the top. Once these two forces are in place, no devil can prevail against you.

Friends, you’re fully armed! So go forward!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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