Read Psalm 91:5-6 from your Bible
From the scripture above, we discover that the forces of the night are ‘Terror’ and ‘Pestilence’. The forces of the Day are ‘Evil arrows’ and ‘Destruction’.
All these are evil powers that can be programmed against people. They know that once you can programme evil into the moon and the stars, you can control these evii forces and set them against people.
The power of terror has been programmed into the night while the power of the pestilence has been programmed into the day by the devil. Satanic arrows have been programmed into the day, Destruction has also been programmed into the day, particularly noon day.
All these powers which I have described so far, can be programmed against us. The ancient people who did not know God were sufficiently aware of the enormous power which resided in the realm of the sun, the moon and the stars. They knew the secret and therefore opted to worship the sun, the moon and the stars. They knew that the sun rules by the day and the moon rules by the night, therefore, most of their festivals centered around the worship of the god of the sun, the moon and the god of the stars.
It is unfortunate but true that some of the Christian festivals which we have accepted today took their roots from the worship of the heavenly bodies. Christmas, for example, started historically from the worship of the sun-god by the ancients.
Those who served the devil as well as those who lived several years ago seem to know more than the modern man. Satanic agents know that once you can programme evil into the sun, and the moon and the stars you can cause a lot of damage in this physical world. These wicked people actually know what they are doing. They know that you can control the forces of terror, pestilence and arrows and convert them to weapons of destruction.
There are people in this country as well as nations in other parts of the world who have contact with these evil powers from the heavenlies. These people are the brain behind all hands of sicknesses, destruction, evil attacks, poverty, problems, crises and troubles which plague the life of women, men and children. These satanic agents operate by drawing their power from the heavenlies and hanging it there. So, when they come into contact with you, they become so stubborn to deal with since their power is attached to the sun, the moon and the stars.
You must know how to deal with people who make use of the powers of the sun, the moon and the stars. You need to identify the sources and the location of their power in order to deal with them. That is why cases which take their roots from the heavenlies must be dealt with through spiritual insight.
In my next write-up, I will discuss a deliverance encounter I had with a girl through Spiritual Insight.
I will give you Prayer points at the end of the series of teaching on this topic.
IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.