Multitudes of people today live in great agony as a result of hands laid on them in the past. The reason for this varies. Some do not even suspect that their problems emanated from the hands laid on them by satanic agents sometime back.

Negative spirits are transferred to people through the laying on of hands by false prophets. For example, when a false prophet or pastor lays hands on you during prayers, the spirit or spirits in him could be transferred to you.

This is the reason why many people in uniformed (white garment) sects are influenced by water spirits, religious spirits and spirits of immorality.

These three spirits are complete in most of the leaders of these sects and when they lay hands on unsuspecting people, transference of spirits takes place.

You must have noticed that these sects exhibit a lot of immorality. Adultery and fornication are rampant in these sects. Even those who were not immoral before getting involved in such sects, develop the spirit after joining. This is because of hands laid upon them when they first joined the sect.

Marriages have broken down as a result of transference of spirits of immorality into spouses who joined these sects. In some cases, the so-called prophets had taken over other men’s wives and had told such men that the “Holy Spirit” had shown them that the wives were not theirs in the first place.

When a traditional personality, fetish priest/a witch doctor or an occult fellow/spiritualist lays hands on anyone during any of their rituals or initiation ceremonies, such person gets spirits transferred into him or her. Even if you had just gone to them for a solution to your problem, you could get the spirits in them transferred to you. For this reason, we screen those who come for deliverance to find out where they had gone to for one solution or the other so that their cases could be dealt with thoroughly.

Now, read this story:

Brother “A” visited his village with some gifts for his uncle who was a traditional doctor or fetish priest. His uncle appreciated his gifts and offered to pray for him to “bless” him for his gifts. He Knelt down in humility, while his uncle laid hands on his head and “blessed” him according to their tradition.

This “blessing” from a loving uncle turned to something else and strange things began to happen to this brother, just few days after the prayer took place.

At first, his strange behaviour was the exhibition of extraordinary wisdom. But when I noticed that what I had thought to be a new anointing on him, took an ugly turn towards insanity, I began to question the new wave of anointing and revelations he was exhibiting. This brother could neither sleep at night nor go to work because he spent ‘whole’ days “praying in tongues”.

The mental dimension of his behaviour led me to probe deeply into his experiences. He owned up and narrated the incidence that took place in his village. That simple prayer of his uncle transferred terrible spirits into him. Those spirits probably clashed with the gentle Holy Spirit. He got into such a mess because he lacked knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

The spirits in his uncle, though evil, were more powerful than his own spirit.

Furthermore, he had foolishly bowed his knees to the enemy. He had stooped so low from his kingly and priestly position to that of a slave and the enemy took immediate advantage of his ignorance and dealt with him. It took serious prayer battle to set him free.

Please, be careful when you want to offer yourself for prayers or any pronouncement of blessing by elders, uncles and aunties, because out of the abundance of what a man possesses, he will speak.

I personally do not accept prayers from uncles and elders in the village, or anywhere because they are not Christians. I do not just allow any person to lay hands on my head. My head is anointed; I am a king and a priest, hence, I will not allow anybody to lay hands on my head carelessly.

In my next write-up, I will discuss Transference Of Spirits Through Laying Of Hands During Marriage.


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