Read Jeremiah 29:11 from your Bible

The plans of God for us are good, but we must study the bible to know them. As we study the bible, we gain the mind of Christ. What God wants to communicate to you is already in the scriptures. It is your responsibility to find them and agree with them.

Read 3 John 1:2 from your Bible

The wish of God for you is success. But you must be willing to discover and agree with them, and engage the principles of success as contained in the scripture. The choice is yours.

If for example, you are fighting a battle against poverty or suffering financial crisis, and you know it is not the will of God for you. This is one step to freedom i.e. knowing that poverty is not the will of God for you. The next step is to know how God intends for you to get out of that situation.

It is by empowering your mind through studying the word that you can overcome. If you think you cannot do it on your own, get books or tapes/CDs on the subject, or consult a man of God who will guide you through the bible. By these concerted actions, you will be empowered to overcome that poverty.

Read Haggai 2:8 from your Bible

If the Lord says this, it means you can lay claim to them.
But what are the platforms or channels through which you can receive these blessings?

First is the principle of tithe and offering as contained in Malachi 3:8-12. If you ignore this and do not take adequate caution to practice this principle, it will be difficult for you to emerge as a financial giant. As you engage this principle faithfully, you provoke God to open unto you the “good treasures of heaven” (Deuteronomy 28:12).

There are divine resources and there are natural resources. They are not the same. If you wish to tap from divine resources, you must engage the principles laid out in the scripture. Practice them by faith. The word of God empowers your mind to pursue the acquisition of wealth differently from the way the world does. It may not yield result immediately. But as you continue and stay committed to its workings by faith, you will arrive there. What you require is one major idea or opportunity that will launch you into limelight. Until you put this principle to practice, you will continue to suffer loss. In like manner, any area of your life where you have not been empowered, you may continue to suffer defeat. You need to know the mind of God concerning that area, and align your own mind with it, and walk accordingly. That is the beginning of victory.

When you see a christian who easily backslide, complain, etc ., it means that the devil is waging war on his/her mind. It is when you are alone or in your dark hour that the devil comes to sow the seed of negative thought. He always looks for an opportune time to mock you, or suggest to you, thus, attacking your mind. If you allow him to defeat you in your mind, nothing will stop the defeat in other areas of life. It is for this reason that the Christian church must conduct counseling sessions so as to inject fresh ideas, fresh hope, and fresh inspiration into the minds of believers. Many of the problems christians suffer can be solved by godly counsel.

Read Joshua 1:8 from your Bible

It is a command from God that if we are to make our way prosperous and find good success, we must continue to “meditate” on the word of God. We meditate with our mind. God’s command become our thought pattern when we meditate on His word. If Joshua had done otherwise, he would not have recorded as much success as we know of him today. And what God said to Joshua thousands of years ago, He is saying to you and me today.

If you fail to program your mind according to God’s word, the only predictable end is failure. But when you program or reprogram your mind, thus empowering it, by the word of God, it becomes the pillar that will hold you up and prevent you from falling when life’s challenges come. Hallelujah!

Read Matthew 7:24-27 from your Bible

Challenges are bound to come whether you are ready or not, godly or not, prayerful or not. The task before you as revealed in the text above is to prepare yourself for those challenges. And one of those ways by which you can prepare yourself is by practicing what I have been teaching.

We have seen many christians give up on God and seek alternative means of survival because of little challenges. They think that God has forsaken them.

Anyone who desires to walk with God must be well informed that “walking with God requires patience.” God is not always in a haste to get His will done. If He tells you He will do something, you must realize that you require patience to see it come to pass. If you are in a haste, you will miss God. In most cases, He will not tell you when He will do what He says He will do. The reason is He wants you to walk with Him by faith.

A strong christian is one who is well informed and runs his/her life with sound knowledge of God’s word; not based on popular opinions. Life is too precious to experiment with. Anything that is not of God will not give lasting joy and peace.

Whatever challenge you are going through, and whatever you desire from God, engage the word of God. Build your mind, build your spirit; agree with God, be patient, put to practice the principles of God then your testimony will appear. I see your testimonies coming soon in Jesus’ name.

Some persons have received enviable visions from God. But they could not wait. They wanted to help God to actualize the vision, and as such have missed out from the plan and programme of God.

May you not miss out from the plan of God for your life in Jesus’ name.


  1. Every arrow shot into your heart, be rooted out in Jesus’ name.
  2. Lord, give me grace to study your word, and empower my mind in Jesus’ name.


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